March 23, 2009

oh it's been a lo-o-o-o-o-o-ng week

So I fell off the face of the planet. That tends to happen from time to time. My Apologies. So I'm in the market for a new day job. The goal is always band manager, but right now, that doesn't pay the rent. So, I've been interviewing like crazy. Due to my academic background, I've gotten audiences with some of the Fortune 100 companies. But really, OMG, it's soooo boring. Dress professional, sell your soul, blah, blah, blah. I'm sad that the record store is closing. I was digging that job. Unfortunately, I got really comfortable there. Maybe this is the push I need to get a move on. Life is funny that way. Just when you think you're safe, the rug is pulled from under you and it forces you to grow. I hate growing. Most of the time anyway.
In other news, I met Russell Simmons. Russell Simmons, the hip-hop mogul, not Richard Simmons, the groovin' to the oldies exercise enthusiast. He seemed really nice. We talked about gangster movies, mainly the Godfather and Scarface. However, we had a difference of opinion. I maintain that only I & II of the Godfather are great and relatively decent respectively. The third one is crap. I stand by that. Just because someone you know is in the third one, does not make it good. I'm sure Andy Garcia is an amazing person and his acting wasn't bad. The plot is what was atrocious. Incest, really? Between the illegitimate son and his 1st cousin? We're not talking about some backwater small town, this was supposedly NYC. I'm almost positive that's illegal in all 50 states. But hey, the laws are changing, what do I know? I know that I can only suspend my disbelief so much. As for Scarface, that movie's just awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw your blog...same name as my new book!

    I like Andy Garcia...haven't seen any of the Godfather movies in a long time, though, so can't take as stand...
